Sunday, March 26, 2017

Where to Find Textbooks and More

Where to Find Them (Textbooks) 

Planning is KEY to getting the Textbooks you need.

If you search for Textbook Swap, you might find a few good sites.  
But, you need to be careful at what is being offered.  

Here are some Tips what to look for:

  • Is the required textbook the current edition?
    • If not, will the instructor allow a past edition?  (Some will, but you have to ask in advance)

  • Is the required textbook a special custom edition?
    • Check your local college book store first, to see what the book /packet looks like.  You might be able to get by with a normal edition.

  • What are the requirements of the Swap Site?
    • What type of information are they asking you for?
    • What are they planning on doing with that information? (spam?, selling it to the highest bidder? personal world domination?)
    • Read the ENTIRE book description, they might be posting an older book as a newer book.  Check the Edition and year.
    • What are their shipping fees?
    • What are their return fees if the book is incorrect?

  • Have you checked with your schools posting boards?  
    • Most colleges have a Textbook Swap / Sell site somewhere on their web site.  Do a quick search and you might hit gold.

  • Have you talked to other classmates who have recently taken the course?  
    • You might be able to borrow a book and setup a swap for future classes.
    • Some students work in cohorts and SHARE textbook(s).  See if this is an option.
    • Some students take the same classes, but at different times.  Again, they share the textbook(s)

  • If your campus has a Textbook Store, ask them what they do with damaged books or books they will not buy-back.
    • You might get lucky.  At our campus there is a big recycling box outside the bookstore.  For books that are damaged or not-pretty, which the bookstore does not want to buy-back, the recycling bin is where they go.
      • I've personally pulled dozens out usable textbooks from these bins to pass out to fellow students.  Just be polite when digging through the recycling bins and if asked let them know you are helping fellow students. 

Think  Cat in the Hat
He is Always looking for Out of the Box ways to make Magic happen.  

YOU Should be TOO

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