Save $$$ by using
International Textbooks
I consider this to be one of the BEST unknown secrets to help you save money.
With the left over money, you can eat something besides ramon or fastfood...
(Thank you Rebecca for this tip)
This is going to sound crazy, but did you know that the textbook the publisher and bookstore are selling has a cheaper edition. That's right!!!
There is an International Edition, which is usually printed in a foreign country and has a different cover. Since I found out about this tip a few years ago, I try to purchase International Editions (IE) whenever possible.
Why?? Because IE will save you anywhere from $20 - $200 per textbook.
Think I'm crazy, search for IE versions of your textbooks and see the difference.
So, why don't more students use the International Edition books?
Students believe....It's scary, they might not get what they need, it will take too long to be delivered, the list goes on and on.
I have personally purchased many IE books and they are usually in better condition than what is being offered in the bookstore.
- Sometimes, they are hardback (love these), while in the bookstore they are cheaper paperbacks
- Sometimes, they have a different cover. No biggie, inside still the same
- Sometimes, the study cases in the back are similar, but use an international company instead. Just check with a friends book to quickly verify this information.
- Most of the IE books are sold by resellers in the US. So you do not have to wait for it to be shipped from some unknown country.
- I do suggest ordering at least 3 weeks before the class starts, just to verify the book once it arrives.
Example 1:
Textbook: Public Policymaking by James E. Anderson, 8th edition
If I had purchased this book from the school bookstore it would have cost $200 (The school bookstore site lists it as $90 -$200 = but since this is a NEW edition, no used books at $90 price)
If I had purchased this book NEW from Amazon $138.79. Not a bad price for new, but they have even better deals if you rent or use an eBook.
I decided to purchase the International Edition from
Did I save MONEY, YES!!!
The book is EXACTLY LIKE the U.S. edition and only cost me... $24 !!!!
Example 2:
Textbook: Management Information Systems... by Laudon, 14 edition
If I had purchased this book from the school bookstore it would have cost $290 (Their site lists it as $117 -$290 = again, NEW edition, no used books available. )
If I had purchased this book NEW from Amazon $245.35 Not a bad price for new, but they have even better deals if you rent or use an eBook.
I decided to purchase the International Edition from Amazon. Did I save MONEY, YES!!!
The book is NEW, with a different cover, and it discusses India(n) companies, BUT the principles are the same, the majority questions are the same , the basic logic of the book is the SAME.
There were a few different questions at the end of each chapter. To get around this, just compare them with a friends copy OR if taking this course online, wait for someone to post a questions and check your book. If you have the same question, just answer answer it.
There were a few different questions at the end of each chapter. To get around this, just compare them with a friends copy OR if taking this course online, wait for someone to post a questions and check your book. If you have the same question, just answer answer it.
It only cost me... $19.96 + s/h!!!!
These are just two examples. I've purchased many IE books over the years and have not been disappointed.
The saving from just these two books allows for living expenses like: make a car payment, pay rent, fill my refrig with fresh fruits and vegs, and so much more.
International Editions (IE) are not always available. For other good deals check out Amazon and Abebooks. Both of these retailers usually have better pricing and variety than what is available on campus.
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